Sound installation for an N Scale CL/CLP/CLF Class diesel locomotive.
Available as an installation package into the locomotive/s that you own.
- Installed with Zimo MX660 sound decoder
- 32Mbit sound storage, 8 bit sound playback, 1W amplifier
- Custom 660uF keep alive capacitor
- 15 x 11mm sugar cube speaker with custom enclosure
- EMD-645E3 prime mover sounds with Leslie 5 chime horn
- Simply change one CV value to switch between other horn profiles included on the sound decoder
- Directional headlights with soft start (F0)
- Shunting mode – momentum heavily reduced (F16)
- Sound features via function buttons:
- Coast on demand and automatically (F5)
- Light/heavy load – prime mover notches up slow/fast dependent on speed (F6)
- Drive lock (F9)
- Notch 8 (F12)
- Volume increase/decrease (F18/17)
- Cue-able sounds:
- Long, short & alternate horn (F2, 3, 10)
- Dynamic brakes – when activated prime mover automatically drops to idle (F4)
- Brake squeal (F7)
- Coupler (F11)
- Air compressor – loops until switched off (F13)
- Air release (F14)
- Spitters (F15)
- Automatic sounds:
- Air compressor – randomly plays when locomotive is at rest
- Air release – randomly plays when locomotive is at rest