Custom designed by DCC-EX, the DCC-EX EX-Motor Shield 8874 features dual outputs, capable of supplying up to 5A of DCC signal!
Simply stack your board onto an Arduino, plug in a regulated power supply to the power jack, and you’re ready to run trains! The motor shield also provides power to the Arduino below. No need for a separate power supply for the Arduino! There is also scope for stacking multiple motor shields onto an Arduino, to provide up to 4 DCC/DC power districts.
Configurable via DCC-EX with the following options:
- A output – Main track, B output – Programming track – (default setup)
- A output – Main track A, B output – Main track B – (two power districts)
- A output – Main track A (DCC), B output – DC analogue – (must be using Engine Driver app to utilise this feature)
Fully assembled units come with Arduino header pins soldered, and fully functionally tested. Also supplied with two DCC track connector plugs.
Partially assembled units come with all components mounted, and power-on testing. Arduino header pins are included in the pack but not soldered. Also supplied with two DCC track connector plugs.
For more information please see the DCC-EX website:
EX-Motor Shield 8874 web page:
Also feel free to join the DCC-EX Discord for additional information and support.
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